Gospel Immigration

 Introducing category-based rounds of invitations

Introducing category-based rounds of invitations

Canada held a new Express Entry draw, inviting 940 candidates to apply for permanent residency.

To support the economic goals we identified, IRCC introduced rounds of invitations for specific categories of Express Entry candidates.

IRCC rank candidates in the pool using a points-based system called the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). When they hold Express Entry rounds of invitations, 

  1. Choose the type of round (general, program-specific or category-based)
  2. IRCC decide the number of candidates need to invite
  3. identify the highest-ranking candidates from the pool who are eligible for the chosen round type
  4. invite these candidates to apply for permanent residence

Types of rounds of invitations

1. General rounds of  invitations

In general rounds of invitations, we invite top-ranking candidates in the pool who are eligible for 3 programs managed through Express Entry.

Express Entry manages applications for 3 immigration programs:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • Canadian Experience Class

2. Program-specific rounds of invitations

In program-specific rounds of invitations, we invite top-ranking candidates who are eligible for a specific Express Entry program. who are eligible for the PNP.

3. Category-based rounds of invitations

For category-based rounds of invitations, the Minister establishes a category to meet a specific economic goal. We then invite top-ranking candidates in the pool who are eligible for this category.
  • French-language proficiency
  • Healthcare occupations
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) occupations
  • Trade occupations
  • Transport occupations
  • Agriculture and agri-food occupations
Category-based rounds add to general and program-specific rounds by inviting top-ranking candidates who can help us meet specific economic goals.